Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Clothing can constitute a spectacle. As mentioned in the red carpet post, we watch to see what celebrities wear. More and more often clothing is meant to shock. Lady Gaga and Ke$ha are two musicians notorious for bizarre and sensational clothing choices. Many of these clothing choices are now worn to places other than red carpet events. Sensational clothing has come to define lives.

But beyond celebrity shenanigans, we can consider the clothes in our own lives. When we dress every morning who are we dressing for? I'd argue that we rarely dress solely for ourselves, but more often we dress to impress others.

When I put on that dress, why did I do it? Or even earlier in the process, why did I buy it? I could argue that I wear the dress because it fulfills my soul or something, but the truth is I bought it and wear it because I think it looks good on me. And the only reason for me to look good is to impress others. While it isn't a dress made of meat or a unitard, it's a spectacle unto itself because I wear so people will look.

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