Sunday, February 13, 2011

Free Running (Le Parkour)

A form of travel that is almost entirely unplanned, Le Parkour is less an intervention and more a dérive. Individuals will chose a starting location and an ending location and then go there by any route (foot travel only), this often includes gymnastics and very nimble movement. Le parkour has changed from a point A to point B style of movement to a location based event. Runners will find a location (stairs, two buildings, walls, abandoned buildings, street poles, rooftops, Etc) and they will do a variation of Le parkour called 'Tricking'. Tricking" is more like gymnastic because instead of having to think on the fly of how to leap a gap, they can practice it. Here is an example of free running with some tricking spliced in (and of course for the sake of the video there was planning). The video doesn't get good until the 2 min mark so skip to there.

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