A mostly incomprehensible event in the female body to my brain and body, pregnancy blows me away. I simply cannot imagine any of the sensations of another human being living inside of me to any degree. This is part of what makes it a spectacle--it's of a nature that is so beyond my immediate sensorial understanding. My sister is pregnant, and the conversations surrounding this time in her life are bizarre. Her eyes have changed shape (she knows because her contacts can't fit on her eyes as they used to), she has the most bizarre and vivid dreams she can remember, and has recently felt two little feet pressing against her ribcage.
Especially to consider that we were all once a small goopy little thing pressing our newly formed limbs against our mothers' internal physicality. WHOA. Pregnancy is a spectacle, and it is a mind blowing one. And I haven't even mentioned the birthing process, which may be the more apparent performative venue for birth and life.
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